There is HEALING in the story of our SCARS
Aug. 4, 2023

Overcoming Strongholds

Overcoming Strongholds

Addiction is a stronghold that can have a strong grip on one's life. Many people struggle with addiction, whether it's addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, or any other compulsive behavior. Addiction can take over one's life, destroying relationships, careers, and health. It can also lead to shame, guilt, and isolation. However, as Christians, we have hope in overcoming addiction through the power of Jesus Christ. In today's blog, we will explore how we can overcome the strongholds of addiction using 2 Corinthians 10:4.

First, let's look at what 2 Corinthians 10:4 says, "For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses." This verse tells us that the weapons we have to fight against addiction are not physical weapons but are divinely powerful. Addiction is not just a physical battle, but a spiritual one as well. We need to use spiritual weapons to fight against addiction. The following are some spiritual weapons we can use to overcome addiction:


Prayer is a powerful weapon in the fight against addiction. Through prayer, we can connect with God and ask for His help and strength to overcome addiction. We can pray for wisdom, guidance, and discernment to make the right choices and avoid temptation. We can also pray for healing from the emotional wounds that may have led us to addiction.


Fasting is another powerful spiritual weapon in the fight against addiction. By denying ourselves food or other pleasures, we can focus our minds and hearts on God. Fasting can help us break free from the hold that addiction has on us and draw closer to God.

Reading and studying the Bible

The Bible is full of wisdom and guidance for how to live a healthy and fulfilling life. By reading and studying the Bible, we can gain insight into how to overcome addiction. We can also find comfort and encouragement in the promises of God.


Worship is a powerful way to connect with God and experience His presence. Through worship, we can express our love and gratitude to God, and we can find peace and joy in His presence. Worship can help us break free from the hold that addiction has on us and experience the freedom that comes from knowing Christ.


Community is essential in the fight against addiction. We need the support and encouragement of others who understand what we're going through. We can find this support in a church or recovery group. We can also find accountability partners who can help us stay on track and avoid temptation.


Now that we've looked at some spiritual weapons we can use to fight against addiction, let's explore how we can use these weapons to overcome the strongholds of addiction.

Acknowledge the problem

The first step in overcoming addiction is to acknowledge the problem. We need to recognize that we have a problem and that we can't overcome it on our own. We need to humble ourselves before God and ask for His help. We can't do it alone, but with God's help, we can overcome addiction.

Renew our minds

The next step is to renew our minds. Addiction is a stronghold in our minds, and we need to break free from the negative thought patterns that keep us trapped in addiction. We need to replace those negative thoughts with positive, godly thoughts. We can do this by reading and studying the Bible, meditating on God's promises, and memorizing scripture.

Identify triggers and avoid them

Triggers are situations, people, or things that can lead us to temptation and relapse. We need to identify our triggers and avoid them as much as possible. For example, if we're addicted to alcohol, we may need to avoid going to bars or parties where alcohol is present.

Strongholds do not appear in our lives overnight and you should not expect to beat strongholds overnight. Strongholds that are built over time get destroyed over time; piece by piece, brick by brick, step by step as we go through the 12 step process. The strongholds start to break once we surrender to our higher power Jesus Christ. This journey is not easy and the process is challenging but in the end the reward of being free is worth the work we put in.