There is HEALING in the story of our SCARS
April 4, 2022

fixing brokenness

fixing brokenness

S3 Ep 028 : fixing brokenness

Forgiveness. Amends. Reconciliation. 

Inside recovery circles all over the world, we hear these three words a lot! 

Seriously, A LOT!

This is especially true when we move into working Steps 8, 9 and even parts of Step 10. Even more so, we get so complacent with these words that we even begin to use them almost interchangeably in our recovery vocabulary. 

But no matter how we use them, are they the same?  

Are they different?

Regardless, depending on how they are worked, they will either make or break our recovery journey. 

On this episode, Josh & Drew sit down with Pastor Jim of NorthPark Church of God in Meridian, MS to get a clear understanding of exactly what is biblical Reconciliation & how it plays in to our daily recovery work. 

As we approach the middle of Season 3, we only have 6 more episodes left in this season. This season is definitely rushing by, but we are slowing way down on this episode as we are taking a good, solid look at how we can detach forgiveness from reconciliation, how it looks when properly applied & how our recovery depends on true reconciliation when dealing with fixing brokenness.

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